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2024 New Years Special

The new year presents itself traditionally presents itself as an opportunity for growth and change.


With this in mind, I am offering (as an exclusive) - one free webinar just for you and your facility.


"DOPE Test and how it can improve team dynamics".


Find out how answering a few simple questions can align you and your team with a type of bird - and how this translates into day-to-day interactions. 


It is presented in a 60-minute webinar, best suited for groups of 4 or more.


Discover how personalities affect the team

Learn how to communicate effectively with each of the variants.

Get a taste of my teaching style as well.


In addition to that, the services offered and prices have adjusted to better suit the budgetary constraints you may be facing.


Download my brochure and get in touch for more information. 


Contact me to book your session.

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